
It’s just like the title says. All of this is proven and can be backed up with an FOIA request to Lanier Technical College or State of Ga Title XI office in Atlanta.

#MandyJOrr, #MandyOrr #AmandajRichards, #AmandaRichards #AmandaJPowell #AmandaPowell #AmandaJJohnson #LANIERTECHNICALCOLLEGE #RegistrarOffice #Resignationinlieuoftermination #nodisciplineoraccountability #notamutualjobseperation #shesdonethisbefore #laniertechnicalcollege #ltc

Why was Mandy Richards the former Lanier technical College registrar given the option of resigning instead of facing discipline for her violation of a consensual sexual relationship with a subordinate. She threatened intimidated and slandered a fellow coworker who is able to prove everything she counter claim was false and completely untrue. We watched as she tried everything to not get fired only to then “resign” When the final title IX report released on August 3. She was gone by August 11. That’s not a coincidence.

The President of Lanier technical college actually excepted her resignation all while knowing she had already been found guilty of having a sexual relationship with someone she had undue influence over. Namely a subordinate who she threatened with losing his job if he went to HR. Who then did nothing. It’s important to note that no member of the administration has even reached out to the person she falsely accused. But yet they sheltered her gave her free legal advice and let her work from home for over a month. This behavior should not be tolerated it and it’s a excellent observation of how easy it is to be cast aside from a click at Lanier technical College.